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Sahand Ab Azerbaijan Consortium (SACCO)

Sahand Ab Azerbaijan Construction Consortium (SAACO) has been established in 1999 & it consists of 22 active construction contractors and consulting engineer companies of Azerbaijan province east. Azarsimab Co. is one of the major shareholders of SAACO, and usually M.B. of Azarsimab is at the board of directors of SAACO simultaneously. SAACO consortium has also actively been engaged in exporting technical and engineering services through establishing companies in Azerbaijan, Belarus and as follows:

SACCO Projects

  • Projects in Iran:
    1. The commercial, administrative and leisure complex named Darb-e-Baghmishe in Tabriz: consisted of design, procurement and construction of the complex in the way of collaboration with municipality, a total floor area of 14000 m2 in 8 stories.
    2. Reconstruction of old contexture of Central part of Tabriz (Golestan Area): consisted of design and construction of the commercial – residential – cultural complex in the way of investment & collaboration with municipality.
    3. Construction of Tavanir commercial and residential complex, Tabriz: consist of 4 blocks each of 18 residential floors with total basement area of 40,000 m2 and 1400 m2 commercial units, in the way of investment & collaboration with municipality.
  • Azerbaijan Republic Projects:
    1. Road bedding and Asphalt paving of Jolfa-Nakhjavan road in Republic of Azerbaijan, work as a contractor.
    2. Constructing of underpass bridges of central region of Baku as a contractor.
    3. 3- Constructing of commercial & residential complexes in Baku city up to 23 floors & total floor area of 30,000 m2 in the way of investment, Engineering & construction.
  • Belarus Projects:
    1. Construction of commercial, administrative and leisure complex in Minsk includes of a total floor area of 6400 m2 in 8 stories in the way of investment, Engineering & construction
Telephone :33299430 (41)98+
Web site
Fax :33340700 (41)98+
Address : Rasa building, Abrasan Crossroads Tabriz Tabriz Iran
Copyright 2025 by Azarsimab Corporation
Design and powerd by : Hirad Group